TogetherBeyond TogetherBeyond

棱镜员工网络:Rose Lew Tsai-Le Whitson的故事


Rose Lew Tsai-Le Whitson

作为我们 大胆前进战略, 我们专注于有意地建立深度, 信任我们的员工,培养我们包容的文化, 包括我们如何对待幸福. 

幸福是我们所能做和完成的一切的基础. We continually evaluate our wellbeing programs and benefits to best support our people – and we’re sharing stories of how these programs and tools are helping each of us individually be at our best, 所以我们可以一起做更多的事情.

在本专题中, we connected with Project Manager and Senior Biologist Rose Lew Tsai-Le Whitson to see how they found a sense of belonging with our Prism employee network.




I identified as queer long before I joined 正规博彩十大网站排名 and before I felt comfortable being open in a professional setting. 我最初以她/她的身份加入, 我希望我能在工作中与其他酷儿群体建立联系, 如果机会看起来“合适”,就在工作中帮助包容,以及向别人学习.


Two of my major inspirations were seeing my work colleagues Brooke O’Neill and Tess Amen step up to lead our local chapter of Prism, 雅各布斯为LGBTQ+人群及其盟友建立的员工网络. 作为LGBTQ+群体的一员, I find Prism empowers me to be my authentic self and to take an intersectional view of inclusion, where I can be an ally to other people of color and use my identity to help advocate for queer people like me within those communities. 


I love how Prism provides community by hosting both joyful events like the comedy showcases balanced with serious conversation about how to navigate challenges at work like getting family planning benefits or both a safe space to discuss scary events, 比如席卷美国的反跨性别立法.S.

最近正式加入了非二元俱乐部, I can also say without a doubt that my interactions with Prism over the last six years definitely played a role in crystalizing my feeling like I am “queer” enough, 即使我以女性的身份出现, 在我的头脑中,我仍然可以是非二元的, 我只是一个人. 谢谢棱镜在我的人生旅途中扮演了重要的角色,不管你是否知道!




Prism社区非常棒! 没有棱镜,我很有可能很久以前就离开雅各布斯了.

“我们可以一起为任何种族的人创造一个更美好的世界, 性别认同, 性或能力. 在一天结束的时候,我们都是希望茁壮成长的人. 如果我们参与社会, 我觉得我们受社会契约的约束,要提升我们中受影响最大的人, including consideration of our individual self and as best we can in our work and in our day-to-day personal lives.”

Rose Lew Tsai-Le Whitson

Rose Lew Tsai-Le Whitson



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在雅各布斯,员工的福祉是我们成功的基础. 当我们每个人都健康的时候,我们的集体力量是无限的.

一个你可以 is only achievable when we’re each functioning at our highest abilities. 我们不能做真实的自己, 完成我们的工作, 发展和成长,除非我们的理想状态得以维持. We embed wellbeing into all, so we’re able to deliver on our purpose – today and into the future.



你的动力驱动着我们,我们一起努力建设一个更美好的世界. 在雅各布, every day is an opportunity to make the world better, more connected, more sustainable. 我们一直在寻找有活力和敬业精神的人加入我们的团队. 带上你的激情,你的聪明才智和你的远见.

外部 让我们一起看看我们能创造什么样的影响