如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2020年11月3日


展览贡献者:博士. 尼诺·哈拉伊什维利博士. 大卫·弗朗兹,保罗·蒂斯


医疗专家 Dr. 尼诺KharaishviliDr. 大卫·弗朗茨 分享他们对各种话题的想法, such as how COVID-19 compares to other epidemics 和 p和emics; what are the best practices for 紧急 preparedness; what are the most pressing challenges with regards to p和emic preparedness that are not receiving enough attention; how the current p和emic may change the way that healthcare systems respond to future p和emics; 和 many others.

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Dr. 尼诺Kharaishvili, a global expert in health security 和 health system 紧急 preparedness 和 resilience, 担任雅各布斯卫生系统弹性实践的负责人. She has more than 15 years of healthcare systems consulting experience supporting the U.S. 国防部, 和 most recently the 国防 Threat Reduction Agency’s Biological Threat Reduction Program, 哪个重点关注特别危险的病原体和传染病监测, 生物安全和生物安保.

Nino also has specific expertise in defining pathways for healthcare system sustainability 和 resilience, as well as designing 和 implementing various 紧急 management exercises aimed at improving public health 紧急 preparedness 和 response.

Dr. 大卫·弗朗茨 在美国服役.S. Army Medical Research 和 Materiel Comm和 for over two decades on active duty 和 retired as Colonel. 他曾担任美国陆军司令.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases 和 as Deputy Comm和er of the Medical Research 和 Materiel Comm和.

David was also Chief Inspector on three United Nations Special Commission biological warfare inspection missions to Iraq. 他还曾担任前两届美国国会议员.S.-U.K. teams that visited Russia in support of the Trilateral Joint Statement on Biological Weapons 和 as a member of the Trilateral Experts’ Committee for biological weapons negotiations. The current focus of his activities relates to the role of international engagement in public health 和 the life sciences as a component of global security policy.