News Apr 17, 2024

Jacobs Recognized at 2024 Global Water Awards


Every year the Global Water Awards celebrate excellence in the global water industry, recognizing companies, projects and initiatives that are moving the industry forward. This year the awards ceremony took place on April 16, 2024 at the Global Water Summit in London.



The Hawai’i wildfires in August 2023 devastated the island of Maui, killing at least 100 people and destroying over 2,200 buildings in the town of Lahaina. Recovery efforts following the Lahaina fire included the use of Jacobs’ AI-powered condition assessment tool Dragonfly to assess the condition of sewer infrastructure assets that may have been damaged by the fire.

The collection system's CCTV inspections were optimized and improved using Dragonfly. A Jacobs Digital OneWater solution, Dragonfly is a web-based, 与日立联合开发的云托管系统,集成了人工智能,以增强状态评估和指导. The platform facilitates efficient analysis of inspection videos, enabling the identification and coding of pipeline defects.

Rapid and comprehensive assessments provided essential data for Maui County’s recovery strategy, identifying defects that were leading to critical infiltration into the sewer network. 渗透会稀释未经处理的污水,影响该县污水处理厂的处理能力,并限制服务区域恢复联机的能力. 蜻蜓的使用帮助该县战略性地规划其重建和恢复工作,并确定准备好让居民返回的地区. The Maui Fire recovery team includes staff from the county and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), who commended our collaborative efforts and the application of our AI technology in this project. 拉海纳大火测试并展示了毛伊岛强大的恢复能力,并突出了数字技术在加速应急反应方面可以发挥的作用.

Winner of Wastewater Project of the Year: Changi Water Reclamation Plant Phase II Expansion 

新加坡公用事业公司的樟宜水处理厂(CWRP)处理了新加坡60%以上的废水,是世界上最大的水回收厂之一. CWRP is key to Singapore PUB’s One Water approach to management of the nation’s water supply, which is highly circular.

The CWRP Phase II Expansion increases the average treatment capacity by 200 million liters per day (MLD), or around 44 million gallons per day (MGD), through the addition of a fifth treatment train and separate wet weather facility (WWF). 

CWRP二期的一个关键方面是结合膜生物反应器(MBR)技术,为生产新水提供更高质量的原料. To date, 新水的生产依赖于二级废水作为原料,需要在反渗透(RO)和紫外线(UV)处理之前进行微过滤. 高质量的MBR滤液提高了反渗透膜的寿命,并且基于MBR的废水处理系统产生的生物固体比传统的活性污泥厂少. Accordingly, the used water treatment and NEWater processes are truly integrated. No longer is NEWater seen as a bolt on process to the activated sludge process.

The design of CWRP Phase II was implemented using 3D, 4D and 5D Building Information Modeling (BIM) to assist in competitive tendering, completion of detailed design, operator review, safety assessment, construction scheduling and site management. 

综合水轮机和深层隧道污水收集系统(DTSS)的运作高度自动化,以优化隧道的流量和水平. During design, PUB和Jacobs分析了历史和未来的流量和隧道水位,并利用运营商在隧道管理方面的经验,制定了控制策略,优化了新水的处理流量. This knowledge helped to optimize the capacity of the WWF.

Jacobs was PUB’s consultant for the study, design and supervision of construction, testing and commissioning of CWRP Phase II. 

Our clients were also recognized for projects that Jacobs supported. 新加坡公共事业局的裕廊岛海水淡化厂获得年度海水淡化项目杰出奖, 英特尔的节水工作也获得了年度水资源管理项目杰出奖. Read more about our work supporting desalination plants in Singapore and semiconductor fabrication facilities for Intel