TogetherBeyond TogetherBeyond
News Feb 16, 2023

Jacobs Again Named No. 6 in Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers for LGBTQ+ People

Our team is honored to retain Stonewall’s coveted Gold Award, once again ranking #6 in their Top 100 Employers for LGBTQ+ People Index

  • Katie and Krzys
  • London Pride, courtesy of Mike Franklin Photography
    Our team takes on London Pride, photo courtesy of Mike Franklin Photography
  • Rebecca Scott at London Pride

雅各布斯正式创造了历史——今天,我们在石墙的LGBTQ+员工指数100强雇主中保持了令人垂涎的“金牌”地位, once again ranking #6 on their list. This is a clear demonstration of the ongoing work we’re doing to attract, retain and empower the industry’s best LGBTQ+ talent in the U.K.

Stonewall is the U.K.’s leading charity for lesbian, gay, 双性恋和跨性别平等——他们的百强雇主名单表彰了那些致力于支持LGBTQ+员工和客户的杰出雇主. Organizations are ranked by a set of standardized criteria, which includes ensuring HR policies are inclusive of LGBTQ+ people, as well as supporting and celebrating LGBTQ+ identities at work.

“我们在石墙指数中保持第6的位置,这是对Prism的巨大证明,Prism是我们为LGBTQ+人群及其盟友提供的全球员工网络,也是我们在Jacobs的TogetherBeyond团队, and the continued focus and passion that goes into delivering an inclusive working environment," says Jacobs Senior Vice President and General Manager Kate Kenny (she/her). "It’s a fantastic achievement, 我很自豪能领导一家致力于营造包容性文化的企业,让LGBTQ+能够脱颖而出.”

The importance of creating inclusive workplaces is underlined by Nancy Kelley (she/her), CEO of Stonewall, who shares, “看到雅各布斯在过去一年里为创造一个让LGBTQ+员工自由成长的工作场所所做的一切,真是太棒了. For many of us, the majority of our time is spent at work, 因此,如果我们必须隐藏真实的自己,这可能会给我们带来巨大的个人损失,并阻碍我们发挥真正的潜力. Creating environments where we can all feel comfortable makes our workplaces a safer, better and friendlier place for everyone and helps staff be proud of who they are.”

Prism, our global employee network for LGBTQ+ employees and their allies, 是取得这一历史性成果的关键,并连续第二年获得石墙高度赞扬网络团体奖. Our Jacobs Employee Networks are a key part of TogetherBeyond, our culture of belonging, which has had a tangible positive effect on the lives, wellbeing and opportunities of disadvantaged and underrepresented communities, not only within Jacobs but also with our clients, supply chain and in the communities we serve.

Some of the achievements central to this historic score — and globally, our top score in the U.S. Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index and Australian Workplace Equality Index — include:

  • Ensuring all key Jacobs family policies (maternity, paternity, shared parental leave, adoption leave, bereavement leave) are inclusive of all families, 无论性别或性别认同——并为波兰的同性伴侣提供公平的私人医疗福利, despite those partnerships not being recognized by local law.
  • Creating policies to support employees who are transitioning or have transitioned at work, to ensure they have the support available to feel completely themselves, 包括在我们的人力资源部门设立指定的“跨性别专家”.
  • 修改职位描述,明确声明我们接受人的本来面目, irrespective of gender identity or sexual orientation.
  • 与Stonewall Housing和Albert Kennedy Trust等LGBTQ+慈善机构合作,帮助提高人们对无家可归等问题的认识, mental health and HIV/AIDS.
  • Working with partners, clients and competitors across the U.K. to further LGBTQ+ inclusion and share best practices.
  • 定期举办本地和全球活动,以突出和提高对LGBTQ+身份的认识,并制作情况说明书,以帮助教育同事和招募盟友. 

While this news is worth celebrating, 我们的全球团队致力于不断提高雅各布斯的包容性标准-我们期待在2024年进一步提高我们的分数!